A heat pump water heater is a more efficient alternative to traditional electric water heaters. Heat pump water heaters utilize the conditioned air in the home versus solely using an electric element to heat the water. Another benefit is during the summer season, heat pump water heaters will condition and dehumidify the room they are located.


2024 Heat Pump Water Heater Rebate Formpdf

Program Qualifications and Application Requirements:

  • Heat Pump Water Heater must have an Energy factor (EF) of at least 2.40
  • Rebate amount is $400 per water heater
  • Itemized receipt /invoice showing brand, model number and energy factor of water heater is required. Photocopies accepted
  • Rebates subject to availability of funds.  Purchase and installation must be between January 1 to December 31, 2024
  • Customer must be current on previous 12 months of Waverly Utilities billing to be eligible
  • Waverly Utilities reserves the right to modify, amend, or terminate rebate programs in whole or in part at any time for any reason without prior notice
  • Waverly Utilities reserves the right to inspect and verify equipment installation